
Friday, October 27, 2017

58 Metres Down

What up Blog-Mania peeps! Say "What's up!" to Emily!

Thanks for that intro Blog-Mania person! Today I'm telling you about S.U.... you don't remember...again!? That's ok. Scroll saw it yet? Read it. Don't worry I'll wait. That's S.U.W. I have written Part 3 and 4 for 58 metres Down! To read part 1 and 2 scroll down to "Another Piece of Silent Writing! Part 2" and read. I'm really excited to share it with you as I have been working rather hard on these stories! You don't have to read it. It is long! Also if you a scared of sharks I recommend not reading this! Enjoy!

  • Emily:C :)
  • 58 Metres Down 3

“Maybe we could break the cage!” I said to Ivory.
“Oh yeah that’s a good idea! I forget that we were the Incredible Hulk!” yelled Ivory.
“We can get out easily because the lid is open but the whole reason we're down here is because of our selfish crew and of course, the shark. What do shark love to eat?” I asked.
“Other than that!”
“Tuna, seals, all sorts. They also have a good sense of smell.” said Ivory.
“I’ve got it! We can swim up 1-2 metres and lure the shark down. With the air tanks, we can spray them at the shark to make it shut its eyes. Then we can swim around the shark, get on top.”
“And then use the rest of the air tanks to push the shark down while we swim up. At school we swim the 50 metres all the time. But how quickly does the air come out and what is the pressure?”
“Um...I don’t know the speed but the pressure is enough for us to make the shark shut its eyes.”
“So let’s get the shark down.”
“To late….”

To Be Continued...

The last part...

  • Emily:C :)
  • 58 Metres Down 3

Previously on 58 Metres Down:

The shark is swimming closer and closer….to close!
It’s swimming around the cage! Oh Lord help us!
“Quick! Grab the tanks!” screamed Ivory.
“Got ‘em!” I replied.
I sprayed them up at the shark and it’s eyes were starting to shut!
“Quick swim around!” I yelled.
But… the shark stared into my soul! We were at the side of the shark and it was snapping! Snap! Snap! Each one closer than the last!
“Far out!” Ivory screamed.
All we were doing was annoying the shark! Again….snap after snap!
All we did was swim!
He swam 48 metres up and hope was lurking! But snap! Where is Ivory’s arm!
“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” screamed Ivory in pain.
The shark has bit her arm of!
“Help! Help!” I screamed!
The blood attracted even more sharks and things weren’t looking up.
Oww! The shark bit me! But what part? I look down in horror….where on earth is my leg!
“Fudge, fudge, fudge!” I screamed in pain.
Hope! Hope!
“Grab on!” yelled the lifeguard.
Ivory grabbed on….but I didn’t.
“Nooo!” screamed Ivory.
What she didn’t realize is that she wouldn’t see me again.
Snap! Ah! There goes my other leg. By this point I just gave up. But then in the shocking turn of events….Ivory let go of the lifeguard. She swam down, grabbed my arm and tried to race up but it was too late… the shark struck at us both with his giant jaws. Goners we were. Again...I have one more question…. Why did Ivory let go?

Comment down below what you would like to see less of or more of! Have a good day! Byeeeee!

Scratch! Part 2!

Nous saluons le retour to Blog-Maina! (Welcome back in French!). You guessed it! Emily is here!

Scratch! If you have no idea what I'm talking about...scroll down and boom! Scratch! Read it...! That is what Scratch is! And I have made another project and it's called...Catch the Dots!

To start the game, press the flag! What you need to do is spin the wheel around using your left and right arrows and match the wheel colour up to the dot colour! You have 3 lives so don't panic if you lose first time! Can you make personal best/highscore?!?

Was it fun? Was it hard? Was it easy? Tell me in the comments down below! And be sure to leave a good rating! Byeeeeee!

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Welcome back to Blog-Mania! Once again we are here with Emily! Woo! A take it away Emily!

Why thank you Blog-Mania dude. Today we are talking about Scratch! If you don't know what Scratch is, let me tell you what it is. Scratch is world-wide website and it's all about programming/coding.

This is a game I made called "The Brain Game!". All you have to do is press the flag and wait for all the people to stop talking. Once they have stopped and person should start talking and a play button will come up. Press the play button and answer  the questions and if you want to stop, just simply press the stop button beside the flag. Can you make a high score?

What was your high score? Let me know down in the comments below! Byeeee!

Art Time!

Dobrodosili back to Blog-Mania! (Welcome in Croatian!). You guessed it! Emily is here!

Thanks Blog-Mania guy! At school we have been doing Science and Art Rotations! My favourite time was art and I wanted to share it with you! So we had to choose between multiple choices for our design and I chose mini popsicle sticks to do my layout. After we glued them onto a piece of paper and we stuck on tinfoil! We stick it down and we color in the outsides with pastel! We did this to learn about textures! I know this sounds confusing but let me show you the photo!

I put the number 24 because it is my lucky number! Well I hoped you enjoyed this episode! Make sure to come back for more and what kind of art do you like? Let me know in the comments! Byeeeeeee!

A Piece Of S.U.W (Silent Uninterrupted Writing) Part 2

Nua mai to Blog-Mania! (Welcome back in Maori!). You guessed it! Emily is here!

Thanks for that introduction Blog-Mania dude! Today I'm telling you about S.U.... you don't remember? That's ok. Scroll saw it yet? Read it. Don't worry I'll wait. That's S.U.W. I have written another piece of Silent Writing which I really enjoyed writing. I'm still working on it but for now you can read my progress. The story is called 58 Metres Down and is about to girls who plunet to the bottom of the ocean...58 Metres Down. Enjoy!

  • 58 Metres Down

If only I grabbed on...this is a story of me and my friend. We were dolphin swimming but then...let’s just start. I’ve already told too much.
“It’s only 1.5 metres down! It’s not like you’re going to plummet down to Bikini Bottom Ocean and order a Krabby Patty!”. The joke I always made to reassure my friends when I took them dolphin swimming.
“But what if I see a shark while I’m in the cage?” whimpered my friend, Ivory.
“Stop being a wuss. And stop acting like a baby eating a lemon. Plus the instructor is looking after us and we have heaps of air tanks in there to last us 7 days.” I told my friend.
“Well, I’m scared!”
“Ahh!” I yelled as if I was being tortured by someone playing Nickelback and making my phone go flat. “Fine!”
“Thank you!” said Ivory.
“Wuss.” I said in my head.
“Ok! Let’s hurry up and get this over and done with!” groaned Ivory.

We hopped in the cage and then….I heard a snap.
“Did you hear that?” said Ivory.
“No!” I replied quickly. The (meaning the people driving the boat) shut the lid on the cage and said,
“Good Luck!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!?” yelled Ivory.
“Nothing.” I said. And so we looked around and noticed all different kinds of dolphins. They were beautiful! But another snap…. and this time everyone heard it.
“What was that?!?” screamed Ivory.
“Two bars have snapped!” Now I was getting scared.
“Get us out!” screeched Ivory as she was banging on the lid. Another snap!
“Hurry up!” I yelled.
“It’s stuck!” the drivers screamed out. Then all of a sudden….we fell.

There was a “metre reader” on the cage saying how many metres down we were. It kept on flicking and we couldn’t read it. Finally, we stopped on the sea bottom with a huge THUD!
“How many metres down to you think we are?” Ivory asked worried.
“58 metres down.” I replied in a light voice.
“Come to think about, that krabby patty doesn’t sound too bad!” commented Ivory sarcastically.
“Look! There’s people up there!”. yelled Ivory.

“Hey! Were down here!” I screamed out.
Of course the people didn’t hear us. We’re so deep down it would take a 500 train horns going all at once to get their attention.

The boys that were up there surfing were probably talking to each other like “Totally bro!” and “Look at this narley wave dude!”
Getting their attention would be like trying to get the Grinch to like Christmas!
They surfed away and so did our hope for surviving.
We figured out that a great White Shark snapped the bars but that first snap is still a mystery….anyway it’s final….we had fallen 58 metres down and GW were thirsty…. thirsty for blood.

“What are we going to do! What oh what!” I screamed constantly in my, head.  
“Lila, what are going to do?” said a trembling Ivory
“Wait!” I thought, my phone is waterproof! I grabbed my phone and….. No service.
“Great just great!” I said. Finally we heard something….then we saw a fin. “Ivory.” I said quietly.
“There is a great white behind you. DO not freak out.”
“Ahhhh!!!” screamed Ivory.
“So much for staying quiet!” I said under my breath.
The shark bit constantly on the cage. It was obviously dinner time. After constantly snapping away, it gave up.
The shark went away...
But not for good…

To Be Continued….

And then I wrote a Part 2...

Just swim! Just swim” I thought. But then it occurred to me that a freakin' Great White was hunting us down!
“We need to figure out what caused that first snap. It couldn't of been a shark because the cage was too high up at that point. So what could it be?” asked Ivory.
“Well let's think. I was saying stop being a wuss…”
“Which I’m still offended by!”
“Anyway! I was saying stop being a wuss and then if we fast forward the instructor said Good Luck. Maybe he actually meant something and plus when he said it, he had a smirk look on his face.”
“Ya think!” yelled Ivory.
“What if he did something to the cage?”
“But what could he of done? The cage is connected to the boat. He said he couldn’t open the lid. What if that’s it? Said Ivory
“It can’t be because all the other people on the boat tried and couldn’t do it. Even the driver tried. And the driver was a 4 year serving guard. He wouldn’t do that.” I replied.
“But what if he woul..”
“He wouldn’t! Ok!” I snapped back at Ivory.
“Wait...what way does the lid open?” asked Ivory.
“That doesn’t matter.” I responded.
“Just tell me.”
“From the top, you pull and on the inside you push.” I told her.
“What way were all of the people trying to open it?”
“Um...I think they were pushing.”
“Exactly! They all pushed instead of pulling, insuring that we would stay in. They also yelled it’s stuck...try opening the lid.”
I opened the lid...with ease.
“So it was the crew! Wait till my dad finds out about this!”
“If we even get found! But why would they do that. All of them have had over 3 years of experience and would (hopefully) never do that!” yelled Ivory.
“Just think, Just think Lila! What might of caused them to do what they did?”
“ father had recently said that if he let one more person have free dolphin swimming, that he would fire him and he wouldn’t get his month's pay.” I replied.
“That’s just it. He’s probably using us as ransom. He will probably demand that he gets and raise and a promotion or something in exchange for us! Is there a tracking device or GPS on the cage?” Ivory asked.
“Yeah actually. It’s under the cage.”
“And that’s how he will find us if your father agrees to the deals.”
“ let me get this straight. Our instructor pushed on the lid ensuring we would be stuck. But the shark...maybe he threw in some bait before we went in the cage! Anyway, the shark snapped the bars connecting us to the boat making us fall 58 metres down. There is also a tracking device on the boat so he can use us as ransom. It’s either our lives...or his career. ”
“Pretty much.”
“Now I only have one are we gonna get out?”

To be continued….

And I'm still working on Part 3...

Well, I hoped you enjoyed that and if you didn't read the whole thing I understand. It is looooong! Anyway, what you do it Ivory and Lila's situation? Let me know down in the comments below! Byeeeee!